Sunday 5 July 2015


JOHAN: (hurt and tears rolled down her cheek) so tell me,who is it you love if not me?
DIEGO: its confidential.i'm sorry johan i can't tell you now.
JOHAN: (wiped her tears with her hand) diego (paused for a little while) i thought we suppose to be good friends?
DIEGO: yes and thats why i never wanted to hurt you feelings by saying this is who i love.
JOHAN: i'll understand,is it tania?
DIEGO: (surprised) what? Why did you say tania?
JOHAN: it is written all over your face when i left you to go pick money inside,i could see nothing but how much you love her.
DIEGO: (pauses for a while) johan,you are my very good friend and i believe you can help me, johan,yes i love tania but i haven't approached her yet to tell her how i feel about her.
JOHAN: i thought you really did hate her before?
DIEGO: (breaths heavily) wee the truth is,i was only taking time to study her,remember i told you i love girls with self dignity. I did all i did to her just to make her break but yet she doesn't and thats what makes me love her more.

JOHAN: (felt a bit embarassed) okay fine,i'll help you get her. Thats what friends do right?
DIEGO: (excited) yes...yes...i'm glad to have a friend like you johan,you are more than a million friends.
JOHAN: (no smiling) thank you diego, huh,diego?
DIEGO: yes?
JOHAN: i think i need some rest now
DIEGO; oh sure,its necessary (he stood up) please don't forget your promise (he hugged her and left)
JOHAN: (weeping profusely) how dare you tania,i'll show you hell,the battle line has just been drawn.
(miah was rushed to the hospital and susan and tania were in the waiting room moving up and down until the doctor arrived)
SUSAN: (to the doctor) doctor,please how is my daughter's condition?
DOCTOR: please take it easy,she is being attended to but her condition is getting worse,
TANIA: (weeping) no,doctor please do all you can i don't wanna lose my sister.
DOCTOR: well,we'll need ten thousand bucks for her treatment.
SUSAN: what about her operation?
DOCTOR: have you gotten the one million bucks for her operation?
SUSAN: no.
DOCTOR: act fast and look for the ten thousand bucks (he left)
TANIA: mommy, where are we going to get ten thousand bucks?
SUSAN: i don't have that kind of money (she started crying again and tania consoled her)
(the next day,diego visited the hospital and went straight to the doctor)
DOCTOR: so tell me how may i help you?
DIEGO: i wanna pay maih's hospital bill
DOCTOR: the one million bucks or the ten thousand bucks?
DIEGO: (surprised) one million bucks? Why?
DOCTOR: yes,that is for her final operation.
DIEGO: what exactly is wrong with her?
DOCTOR: her heart is decaying fast and she needs to be operated upon before it leads to death
DIEGO: (thinks for a while) i don't have that kind of money right now but i'll pay for the ten thousand bucks.
DOCTOR: (brought out some documents and told diego to fill) sign here
DIEGO: (thinks for a while after signing) please doctor,don't tell them i paid for this,i don't want my identity to be known.
DOCTOR: no problem,you can pay the money to the nurse downstairs.
DIEGO: (he stood up) thanks doctor. (he left)
(tania,miah and susan were inside their house,miah was sleeping on the wooden chair and tania and susan were talking)
TANIA: thank God for miah's life,but mom,how did you get that kind of money?
SUSAN: no,i didn't,i wasn't the one who paid the hospital bill,i found it being payed and when i asked the doctor,he said the person doesn't want his or her identity to be disclosed,but i have a receipt the person signed but the name was not there,only the signature.
TANIA: (excited) but,who can it be?
SUSAN: i have asked myself that same question times without number but still i just don't know,i have asked all those i could ask but they said they know nothing about it.
TANIA: whoever it might be,we should just be grateful to the person and show our gratitude.
SUSAN: but how?
TANIA: i don't know. (a car horn was heard outside and tania peeped through the window to see who it was)
SUSAN: who is it?
TANIA: diego
SUSAN: ma'am sarah's son?
TANIA: yes mommy
SUSAN: why is he here? Is ma'am sarah having any house chore she wants me to do?
TANIA: i'll attend to him (she went outside and met diego)
DIEGO: (on seeing her) hi
DIEGO: how is miah's health now?
TANIA: she is much better
DIEGO: thats good to hear. (pauses for a while) won't you even allow me in?
TANIA: (angrily) no,we live in barn not oin mansion,we sit on wooden chairs not on couch,we don't have air conditions,we survive under heat,we don't eat delicacies,we eat sea foods alone and you don't like all that.
DIEGO: tania,i'm sorry for all i might have said to you in the past,whether rich or poor,we are all the same and should be able to make friends with each other,tania i am not as rude as you think i am,please tania forgive me if i have offended you. (he kneel down)please would you be my friend?

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