Comedienne MC jenifa, A 200level student of Ekiti state university, comes again with her miraculous hand where she write a lovely love saga story..................... I FELT YOU GUYS SHOULD SEE THIS!!!!
( Tania and Miah were outside washing clothes,they were sisters,Tania is 18 while Miah is just 8)
MIAH: Tania,where has mommy gone to?
TANIA: she has gone home to bring our lunch.
MIAH: (pauses for a while) Tania,now that you are through in college,won't you go to other school like your friends did?
TANIA: (thinks for a while) you know Miah, we are not as rich as my friends.
MIAH: but Tania,you also went to expensive college like your friends too?
TANIA: yes but,i did that because i won scholarship from my primary school.
MIAH: why didn't you win scholarship again to go to other schools?
TANIA: (pauses) because i wasn't the best student to graduate,i was the second best.
MIAH: (sighs) so what are you gonna do now?
TANIA: help mom with her laundry so that i would be able to save some money and start business.
MIAH: but i really want you to go to school.
TANIA: (drew her sister closer to her chest and patted her at the back)
you are the best sister one could wish for Miah. (smiled to herself)
( tania was with her mom,susan,they were in their small house,cooking
and maih was setting the table.tania and susan were discussing)
SUSAN: (slicing onions) how much did madame sarah gave to you?
TANIA: she is yet to pay mom,she wasn't around when we finished the washing.
SUSAN: ok. (pauses) please Tania bring me those fishes there (pointing to a corner in the room)
TANIA: (went to pick the fish and found out miah was coughing,she got
her some water and went back to her mom) mom,how much have we gathered
for miah?
SUSAN: not much . (turned to tania) you know we are only
doing all we could to survive,since your father died,i have been the
only one struggling to make ends meet.
TANIA: (sighs) i think i have
to find a casual work somewhere where i can earn a lot within the three
months given by the doctor.
SUSAN: i have gone to all where i can
to find help,but they asked me where will i get the money to pay them
back. Tania,i don't think i can raise that amount of money within three
TANIA: but..... (miah walks in)
MIAH: (cuts in) does that mean i'm going to die?
SUSAN: (moved closer to miah and hugged her so close) no my
daughter,you will not die,mommy will do all she can to assure your
TANIA: (also moved closer to miah) miah,you won't die,i will also help in finding the money for your operation.
MIAH: (now crying) i don't want to die,mommy,please i don't want to die.
TANIA and SUSAN: miah you wont die (they are also crying)
SUSAN: (in tears) miah,tania and i will raise the money and your operation will be done
MIAH: (still crying) thank you mommy,thank you tania.
TANIA: (wiping her tears) miah,go and play in the room and i will call you when food is ready.
MIAH: thank you tania (she went outside)
SUSAN: i wish your father was still alive.
TANIA: its okay mom,together we will help
SUSAN: thank you my daughter (she hugged tania)
( A young girl of Tania's age,was looking for something in her room,she
was a beautiful girl and from a very wealthy home,her name is johan)
JOHAN: (furiously angry) this idiot (breathing heavily and yelling on
top of her voice calling out to her house help) mimi.....Mimi..
MIMI: (from within) coming
JOHAN: that idiot will always make me yell (mimi walks in) i knew it,i know you'll never change,where is my party gown
MIMI: the laundry woman has just washed it
JOHAN: (shocked) what? Why did you give the cloth to her?
MIMI: i thought you wanted to wash it because you left it on the bed.
JOHAN: (going wild with rage) you bastard, i have already given you my
dirty clothes,why did you give my party gown to that woman when there is
washing machine in here that can wash my clothes?
MIMI: i'm sorry ma'am (johan's mother,zina,cam
ZINA: what is going on?
JOHAN: (still angry) mom,you can't believe this animal gave my cloth to the laundry woman.
ZINA: c'mon baby,i see nothing bad in that.
JOHAN: mom that is the cloth i wanna wear to party with my friends (now crying)
ZINA: c'mon my daughter (drew her closer and hold Johan's head closer
to her chest) don't cry baby,i'll get you the exact same before you go
to the party.
JOHAN: mom the cloth is too expensive.
ZINA: don't
worry,you know mom will do anything for you.(she diped her hand into
her handbag and brought out some money and gave it to mimi) here mimi,
go and get her that same cloth and make sure you don't stay long so that
she can meet up with the party.
MIMI: (collected the money) yes ma'am (she left)
ZINA: now do i get a smile from my baby?
JOHAN: (smile) thanks mom,you are so sweet. Let me get a shoe to match my dress.
ZINA: okay honey,i'm having meeting today so i should be on my way.(she kissed johan on her forehead and left)bye
JOHAN: bye mom.(she tried on some shoes and finally picked her choice)yes i like this,i'll wear this and carry this bag.
(to be CONTINUED......
Saturday, 4 July 2015
Comedienne MC jenifa, A 200level student of Ekiti state university writes>>> PAINFUL TEARS 1..
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