What is it that gets a guy to ask you out, keeps you on his mind, and makes him keep moving a relationship forward? One word: Attraction. And not just any kind of attraction, but what I call emotional attraction. This is when a man feels a connection with you that goes beyond the physical.
So, how do you create this level of curiosity, intrigue, and interest?
When dating, my love advice is love advice is
to create attraction with a man is to do and say things that interject
fun and humor into your relationship from the very start. There’s
nothing more appealing to a man than a great woman who knows how to
relax and have fun. And the universal way that men relax, have fun, and
bond is through playful teasing.
Think about it: Guys do this all the time when they joke around with
each other, play games, or make up all the silly pranks and guy stuff
that men do. It’s a low pressure, high enjoyment way to unwind and
express friendship.Many guys (often erroneously), think that spending time with a woman means giving up this kind of fun, which is why they’ll say that things got “too serious.” So, if you can inject a little teasing into your relationship with a man, he’ll see that you’re not like the other women he’s known, and it will
amplify his attraction for you.
Here’s what I mean:
1. Teasing through flirting
Flirting almost always involves some form of humor and sarcasm—instead of answering a man directly when he asks you what you do for a living, you look at him and tell him the most ridiculous thing you could imagine. Then, you have fun making him think you’re really serious about it.
instance, “I conduct surveys about male behavior. This week, I’m doing a
study on how long an acceptable man hug should last. What’s your
2. Creating an emotional connection
It’s not that what you say starts off
an amazing chain of events that leads down the road to building a deep
level of attraction; it’s the fact that instead of being so caught up in
your mind, you’re joking, having fun, and inviting a man
into playfulness with you.
Men instantly understand what’s going on when there’s a connection
with a woman and she starts being playful this way. They respond by
opening up and becoming more engaged and attached with you on an
emotional level, without even knowing it. Once you get the relationship
rolling, there will be plenty of time for him to find out what you really do for a living.3. Keeping the spark alive
The fun and playfulness of being unpredictable holds true when you’re in a relationship, as well. Most couples get very used to each other and how their partner will act and respond, day in and day out. Part of this is a natural progression to a relationship that provides a healthy level of predictability to things. Both parties need it to feel “safe.”If you are a woman who also mixes this safety with fun, exciting, and playful unpredictable things, suddenly a man doesn’t know quite what to expect.
Suddenly, he’s reminded that he hasn’t quite seen everything there is to you. And, suddenly, you’re having fun teasing him and engaging in a playful back-and-forth that has the passion and attraction level rising all the while.
This week, see if you can throw in some playful teasing when you talk to a man. Notice how he responds to you and what it does for the level of attraction in your relationship. I’m willing to bet you’ll have a lot of fun trying it, and you might even discover a part of yourself you’d like to bring out more often.
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