(back there at the prison,tania was ordered to go and wash their toilet and she left,two prisoners who had been finding all means to take advantage of her covered their face and went to meet her at the toilet,she was held so thight by one and the other tried to force himself on her,she struggled and shouted but her voice was not heard as her mouth was covered,she succeeded in crossing her legs so tight and due to failure in their ordeal,one of the men took a knife and stabbed her,they then ran away,she held the knife and was in deep pain till the prison warders took her to the hospital)
(susan went to the hospital,cried out her life before she went to johan's house)
SUSAN: (crying) please johan,forgive tania,she is all i have left i don't want to weep over any child again,please spare her.
JOHAN: (not showing any mercy or concern) well thieves are not to be spared,are they? She stole my most valuable treasure,think about it.
SUSAN: i know tania can never do it,and besides,you have seen it and it is back into your possession,please just be of help
JOHAN: well susan,there is absolutely nothing i can about this situation,she must go to prison,all you need to do now is look for money and bring in a good,competent lawyer,then everything will be good.and please thats the exit there,i don't want to lose another thing within a twinkle of an eye,so its time for you to go
SUSAN: (felt embarassed and stood up to go.she met diego on her way out) diego
DIEGO: ma'am susan,please i'll talk to her,please just a second (he went inside as susan walks away)
JOHAN: (stood up and went to meet diego,she tried to hug him but he waved her aside)diego?
DIEGO: (with an angry face) tania,has been stabbed in prison and she is in a critical condition,withd
JOHAN: (on top of her voice) no i can't (she started crying)
DIEGO: then fine,i'll hire a lawyer and after that,i don't ever want to see your face ever again.(he dashed out)
JOHAN: (she cried and cried)
(at the hospital,tania'
POLICEMAN 1: (to susan) the charges against your daughter has been withdrawn,she is free now,
SUSAN: really? But how?
JOHAN: (walks in,looked at diego with a sorry facial look) i have withdrawn the charges,i am freeing her.
SUSAN: thank you johan,i'm greatful.
JOHAN: (put on a fake smile) huh.
DIEGO: johan thank you,
JOHAN: (smiled to diego)
POLICEMAN 1: (to policeman 2) remove the handcuff and lets go
POLICEMAN 2: yes (he removed the handcuff on her hand and they both went out)
JOHAN: i think i have to go now
DIEGO and SUSAN: thank you johan
JOHAN: huh (she left)
DIEGO: what did the doctors concluded?
SUSAN: she is still unconscious,i don't know what they will happen to my daughter (she started crying) its barely a month since i lost miah,why is everything happening to us
DIEGO: (moved closer to susan and hugged her) its okay ma'am susan,it will soon be over.
(three days later,tania hasn't yet gained cousciousness,d
DIEGO: (tears rolling down his cheek) tania,why does this have to come upon you? I just feel like confessing to you,i have loved you the very first time i set my eyes on you,i just wanted to deny my feelings by treating you like i don't care,but i can see that my feelings are true because they just won't disappear. Tania,i'm sorry i slapped you,i only did that to feel your body against mine. (pauses) tania,you have to be fine for me.i know you can fight this,you have to be strong so that miah's death will not be in vain (tania,moved her hand a little bit) tania...? (shocked) thank God you are gaining your consciousness,d
(sam was with tania in the hospital,she looked at sam and then closed her eyes,she re-opened them)
TANIA: (one after the other) sam,thank you
SAM: you are welcome tania,how are you feeling now?
TANIA: i feel better now,only the pain i'm feeling here (she touched her abdomen)
SAM: tania tell me excatly what happened the day you were stabbed
TANIA: they were two prisoners,they tried to rape me,since i tried to escape,one of them stabbed me.
SAM: i'm sorry to hear that,they are still looking for the culprits though,i know the law will punish them accordingly.
TANIA: since i have my life back i have forgiven them.
SAM: thats so good of you tania (pauses for a while and then held tania's hand with his two hands,he held them so hard and looked right into tania's eyes) tania,i have a confession to make to you,the more i keep it,the more i get hurt (pauses for a while) Tania....
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