1. Stay in Shape
We want to be aroused by the sight of
you being naked. People can argue the pitfalls of the BMI scale all they
want, but for the average Jane, it works just fine. Men don’t want a
bag of bones, nor do they want a woman who looks like she is smuggling
beach balls. I suggest 3-4 times a week of cardio-esque activity.
Regarding your diet…you do not need to starve yourself; you do not need
those greasy chips either.2. Lay Off the Body Modification
Men gravitate to natural hair color, tasteful and coverable tattoos (if any at all), and piercings that are not out of control and all over the place.3. Make Your Own Money
When it comes to money, men really couldn’t care less if you make a whole lot, but you need to be making enough so that you are not a financial drain on him. If you make more than him, more power to you, just refrain from throwing it in his face like some form of one-upmanship.4. Be Feminine
Men want to date WOMEN, not men with vaginas.5. Be Submissive
This kind of overlaps with being feminine. As much as the word has been made into a negative, being submissive is a good thing, and it’s not synonymous with being a door mat or that you have no voice in the relationship. Seriously, heaven forbid you do a little back bending for the sake of pleasing YOUR man because you want to keep him interested in you. Personally I think feminism has turned relationships that are supposed to be loving into their own little battlefields. Rub his back, watch what he wants to watch, suck him off. A GOOD man will reciprocate, and placate to the things you want and make sure you are also happy.6. Sex Life
Men want a woman that has a healthy sex
drive and few past sexual partners. That means that you and your past
boyfriend had a lot of sex. It does not mean that you were the town
bicycle. We get it, you want to be able to sleep with the college
football team and not be judged for it the same way he ran through the
cheerleading squad (insert “Master Key/Shitty Lock” analogy). Life isn’t
fair. Get used to it. The average Joe will never see that many women
anyway. Men also do not want a woman that leverages sex as a way to get
what she wants. That is a pretty good indicator that she really is not
all that interested in sex [with him] in the first place.
7. Be Intelligent
No man wants a woman that cannot flex her mental muscles.8. Be Childfree
This is kind of the not-so-secret secret. Men don’t want instant families, nor do they want the ultimate form of cuckoldry that is raising another man’s child. This goes double if you have multiple children and/or if your children are biracial. It does not matter if your child’s father was abusive, a deadbeat, a good man, or hit by a bus tragically. The bottom line is that you have a child, and it does not belong to the eligible bachelors out there.Fun fact: In many states, if your child starts to view him as a father figure and you two eventually break up, you can sue him for child support. No, he does not have to legally adopt you your child either. Look up laws such as “equitable doctrine of estoppel” and “psychological parent doctrine.”
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