Friday 27 November 2015

Dear Ladies, See The Number One Reason Men Suddenly Lose Interest

Here is a situation many girls have experienced. You meet a guy and feel the proverbial spark. Numbers are exchanged, flirty texting ensues, and eventually you go on a date…and it’s amazing!

The chemistry is strong, you connect, you have fun. You go out again and it’s another ace in the hole. Now you start to get really excited…could this be it? Maybe you hang out a few more times, but then something changes. Either you notice that he starts to pull away and seems less engaged (commonly known as “the fade away”), or he just vanishes (a phenomenon known as “ghosting”). You feel completely blindsided and shell shocked.

What went wrong?
Here is why this situation is so confusing for most girls. When a girl loses interest in a guy after a
few dates, she can usually pinpoint the reason. Maybe he was too desperate, not intellectually stimulating, too quiet, too loud, too boring, too boisterous–she usually knows exactly what it is that turned her off and can give a reason as to why she doesn’t want to continue dating him if asked.

It’s not always like this for guys. A guy can go on a few amazing dates with a girl and find himself suddenly and inexplicably put off by her. Whereas he was previously texting her throughout the day and feeling a strong desire to see her…he now has no desire to contact her whatsoever. This can be as baffling for guys as it is for girls. When asked, many guys will say they don’t know why they were suddenly turned off…they just were.

So why does this happen? Is it really out of the blue without cause or provocation? No, there is a reason. The reason it’s so hard to pinpoint and articulate is because it’s extremely subtle.

During the first few dates with a new guy, your vibe is typically pretty laid-back and easygoing. You want to explore the possibilities with him and see what he’s all about. It starts out light and fun, it’s about connecting and enjoying each other’s company. After a few great dates with a seemingly great guy, most women can’t help but get excited about the possibilities. They think of where the relationship might go and they start to invest in a fantasy future.

When this happens, you are no longer in the here and now, seeing the situation for what it is. Instead, your mind is focusing on what it could be and that’s when it becomes a problem. You become attached to this fantasy future and then you can’t help but stress over it and worry about losing it (even though it’s not something you ever really had!). Then your fears and insecurities rise to the surface and seep into your interactions with him.

You begin interacting with the thoughts in your head rather than with the person in front of you. Rather than trying to learn who he is and what he’s about, you look at his behavior and the things he says as a means to measure how he feels about you… and whether you’re getting closer or further away from your goal of having a relationship with him.

Most guys can intuitively sense when a woman is reacting to them as an object rather than a person, when she is using him as a means to fill a void within herself.

Guys typically don’t operate this way in relationships and he can’t fully understand what happened to turn this seemingly happy, cool girl into an unpleasant, emotionally-reactive, reassurance-seeking mess.

Why Do We Do This?
All anyone really wants is to feel OK, and most of us don’t. When a woman worries and needs constant reassurance, it comes from feeling from “I am not OK” and the feeling beneath that is fear. What makes it so destructive is that it’s not an overwhelming, gripping fear; it’s a vague feeling of unease. It’s so quiet and subtle you may not even realize it’s there. You know how sometimes you’ll go to take a sip of water and you literally can’t stop chugging? You didn’t even realize you were thirsty, it’s only when you begin to quench the silent thirst that you realize how potent it was. That’s kind of what’s at play here.

It’s tough for someone to nail down to source of feeling not OK, but they unconsciously latch onto things that will get rid of this feeling, usually through reassurance or trying to make situations come about that they feel will make them happy and finally grant them relief. This inevitably impacts your vibe, you become a parasite of sorts and everyone you come into contact with is simply a means to an end.

When you meet a guy who makes you feel OK, your need for that feeling becomes overwhelming and you latch on forcefully. You may not even realize you’re doing it; it’s not something you express outright. But it’s there and it comes across, even in the slightest ways. It changes your vibe and your energy and guys feel this.

At this point, instead of him feeling like he’s connecting with you, he feels like you’re trying to get something out of him. Maybe it’s reassurance or validation, or maybe just more of the feeling of being OK.

Guys don’t know exactly what it is, but suddenly their instincts are telling them to get away. This usually occurs at the point where the woman could no longer keep the act up. Maybe she’s trying to appear cool and go-with-the-flow, but in her mind she’s already thinking of ways to turn a relationship that’s really nothing at this point into something. From that point forward, it’s not easygoing and natural, it’s her measuring if she is getting closer or further from her goal.

Everyone recognizes when someone has an agenda, it’s just something our intuition picks up on and it immediately puts us off. Think about how you feel when someone approaches you and tries to sell something. Your first instinct is typically to get far away from them. It doesn’t matter how nice and friendly they are, you can’t trust them because you know they want something out of you.

That’s the switch guys feel. It’s the shift from things being easy to fun to agenda-driven. When the woman feels like she’s getting closer to her goal, she’s happy and elated. When something happens that makes her feel like she is moving further away, she is gripped by that, “My world is falling apart” feeling and may try to seek reassurance from the guy, either outright or subtly.

You Can’t Force Love
When you take a relationship that is brand new and start thinking that it’s something, or forcing it to be more than it is, it’s game over. Your vibe will become man repelling and before long, he’ll be gone and you will be left baffled, analyzing what exactly you did to drive him away. But you won’t ever find the answer, because it isn’t concrete and measurable.

This is one of the main differences between men and women when it comes to relationships. Men are more in the moment and are able to comfortably enjoy a situation for what it is as it is. Women are always looking for ways to improve the relationship and push it forward. It’s not that one gender has it right and the other has it wrong. There needs to be a balance between enjoying the present and comfortably laying the foundation for a future. It just can’t be done forcefully. The best relationships are the ones that unfold organically with two people bringing their best selves to the table and discovering who the other person is and developing an appreciation for that person. It’s not about using the other person to gain status or self-esteem or security. A relationship can give you these things, but that’s a by-product, not the goal.

This is essentially the difference between a healthy relationship and a toxic one. A healthy relationship is
one where two people feel fulfilled by their individual lives and let
that joy and sense of fullness spill into their relationship. They each
bring something to the table and can comfortably give and receive. A
dysfunctional relationship is when one or both people believes the
other person can “give them” something or that there’s something to
“get” from the other person.
So what’s the solution? If you just enjoy life and engaging with him
and make nothing of it, your vibe will still be enjoyable to be around
and he will continue hanging out with you. When he feels good around
you, he’ll want to be around you. When he feels like you’re trying to
get something out of him, he will want nothing to do with you. It
really is as simple as that.

I also want to add that this isn’t the only reason a man
will lose interest, it’s just the most common and most misunderstood
one. The problem is most people don’t accurately define what the
problem is. It gets written off as the woman being too available and
not making him chase her.
That is not really what’s at play here. Being available isn’t the
issue, the issue is really not being present. It’s an issue that comes
from seeking validation through a relationship rather than in your life.

It is also worth noting that sometimes two people can be happy and
satisfied in their lives and just not a match. Compatibility can’t be
forced or created. It also can’t be ignored. If you’re incompatible, it
will come to the surface eventually and a relationship can’t last
without a foundation of fundamental compatibility.

The winning strategy when it comes to love is to bring your best
self to the table and not stress over your relationship. Instead, trust
that if it’s right it will work out, and if it’s not right you’ll be
free to move toward something that is the right match for you.

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