Friday, 23 October 2015

Real Tips On How to Be the Guy every Women Want- @Maxwellctb

Everybody's different. While some have eyes for looks alone, you'll find that many prefer a partner who's more than just a pretty face -- who has a brain, confidence, and a kind personality. By knowing when to be sensitive and when to take charge, the woman you have your eye on will respect you if you're comfortable with yourself. Or perhaps not, but at that point, why would you care? Here are some unrelated tips.

Be the Guy Women Want Step 01.
Keep in mind that every woman is different. They have different tastes, different ideas, different beliefs. They also want a man who understands them without needing to tell them. However, here are a few things that most women find attractive.

Change Your Whole Personality Step 16.
Be a good looking guy. To initially get a girl's attention, you're going to need to be at least somewhat good looking.

Start a Conversation With a Girl Step 14.
Be more than just a pretty face. Being able to draw a girl's attention is one thing, but being able to keep it is an entirely different ball game. Some qualities that are helpful in this situation:
* Charm. Being charming will make the girl feel important.
* Wit. Wit will show the girl that you're not stupid. For something other than a one night stand, it's best to have some brains in your head.
* Humor. The girl will love that you can make her laugh.
* Respect. Nothing drives women away like a man who is arrogant and rude. They sometimes like men with confidence, but DO NOT confuse this with pick up lines and forcing yourself on them. This is called 'Chasing' and it is a major turn off for most women. Some do it simply for fun, and if they manipulate you for fun, they aren't worth your time.
* Desire to know them. Women don't respond to a man randomly picking up at bars. They want a man who knows them. Don't waste time with lines like 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?". Make REAL conversation. Find out their fave movie. Their ideal date. And if she leads it that way or you feel she is interested enough, her secret fantasy, or her turn ons and turn OFFS. They are just as important and turn ons

Ask out Someone Who Likes You Step 04.
Take charge without taking over or being bossy. Be a guy who is in power. If you ask a girl what she wants to do on a date and she doesn't give a definitive answer, plan something! Anything you choose will be better than saying "what do you want to do?" "I don't know, what do you want to do?" over and over for the entirety of the date.

Play a Player Step 05.
Read them. Women speak without speaking at times. A twist of her hair, a lick of her lips, a subtle smile. Or a glare, hands on hips, and a gently upturned upper lip. Be aware of this habit, and they will be as good as shouting out what they want. Even in bed, they do this. They will raise their hands when they want you to be aggressive, they wail put their hands on your chest and push when they want you to stop.

Be a Better Husband 06.
Be the guy who can raise a family. Nothing makes the right woman swoon more than a fantasy of the time when you are the paternal, father of her children, and you take care of her and them. Some do not do this much, and don't respond as well, but many will enjoy seeing a fatherly man. Someone who treats kids well. Look forward to what kind of father you'd be and ask yourself, will this make a good father? This being said, don't be obsessed with having kids, specifically hers. This will freak her out if you've just met her.

Be the Guy Women Want Step 07.
Be a guy with a good reputation. Be someone she can brag about to all her friends and family. If everyone thinks you're a wonderful guy, she'll be excited rather than ashamed to be with you.

Be the Guy Women Want Step 08.
Don't grovel. Courting is appealing to some, even though it is a form of chasing. Some like jewelry and chocolates. Some prefer a man who isn't afraid of risks, and is confident, but not arrogant. Find out what the woman you're going after wants.
* Know when to walk away. Some women are just not the right type. Some will use you, manipulate you, treat you badly, and will sometimes even cheat on you. Know when to say "I've had enough. I don't care how much I like her, I don't LOVE her." There are women who will ruin your life, and there are women who will make it bliss. You may fall in love with the wrong type of woman. In that case, don't say "I can change her" because this is trap some women fall into with bad men. This IS NOT pretty woman. You are NOT Richard Gere. She is NOT worth your time, if she does any of these things. 1-Manipulate 2-Cheat 3-Disrespect you 4-Hurt you (in any way, on purpose)and 5-ignore your wishes. Whether or not she adheres to them isn't a big deal, but if she doesn't at least take them into serious consideration, its not good.


* If the girl is younger, she will want you to be more mature but not too serious.

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