Friday 3 July 2015

How to Act in a Relationship (Girls)

Are you in your very first relationship and don't know how you should behave? This article will get you started.
Act in a Relationship (Girls) Step 1.
Get to know the boy you are dating or like.
* Ask questions and get to know his interests and hobbies - share your interests and hobbies too!
* For example: favorite color, book, band, animal, movie, etc.

Act in a Relationship (Girls) Step 2.
Get together
* Ask the guy if he'd like to hang out with you. It doesn't even have to be alone; you can go out with his and/or your friends but make sure you two have some bonding time.
* Examples: movies, dinner, at your place or his, etc.


Act in a Relationship (Girls) Step 3.
Never get too attached.
* Don't expect him to want to hang out every day.
* Don't be one of those girls that gets emotional because he broke a date. Everyone gets busy, and his parents may not have let him out or may already have plans - accept this.
* Text and call a reasonable amount of times.

Be Playful. Go outside and play a sport one of you two play.
* For example: he can teach you soccer and you can teach him basketball.
* Jump on the trampoline, go for a swim in the pool or try your best at cartwheels and handstands on the lawn. This is bound to make the two of you laugh and become more comfortable around each other.

Be open to new things. Try things he likes and show interest in his interests. Go to that new ice rink, watch that new horror movie or go to one of his sporting games and cheer him on!

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