Friday 3 July 2015

MEN & GUYS, Here is Simple Ways On How To Increase Pen!$ Size

Eat watermelon. It’s not an herb, but it has properties that might help increase the size and duration of erect!on$ in a similar way arginine. Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline, which gets converted into arginine and leads to the dilation of blood vessels. The fact that watermelon contains citrulline is a relatively new finding, so no studies have been conducted to find out how well it really works or how much watermelon you’d have to eat to see the benefits. However, since watermelon is considered a superfood when it comes to men’s health, you can’t go wrong by eating plenty of it while it’s in season
Consider taking L-arginine. This is an amino acid that leads to increased blood flow, helping the pen!$ get larger during an erect!0n. A study conducted at Tel Aviv University showed that some
men experienced improvements after taking the supplement for 6 weeks. It’s available in natural food stores, and the recommended dose is 1 gram three times a day.

  • This supplement should not be taken if you’re on nitroglycerin for your heart, because it can cause a drop in blood pressure. Talk with your doctor about whether you should take L-arginine.
Exercise regularly. Moving your body enhances circulatory healthy, strengthening the arteries that carry blood to your penis. If you don’t exercise at all, your penis may not be realizing its full potential. Aim to exercise for about an hour a day, whether you want to go for a swim, a walk, a jog or a bike ride. Any type of exercise will help increase blood flow to your pen!$.
  • However, there’s no way to exercise your pen!$ itself in a way that will make it get bigger. The pen!$ is composed of smooth muscle, which doesn’t increase in mass with exercise
Lose belly fat. Your penis may look smaller than it really is if it’s partially obscured by skin that droops over the top. Losing belly fat is no simple task, but it can make a big difference when it comes to the perceived size of your pen!$. Start taking measures to lose weight and you’ll likely see improvement in other areas as well. According to a report from Harvard, men with a 42-inch waist are 50 percent more likely to have erect!1e dysfunction (ED) than men with a 32-inch waist

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